sexual assualt 

Not to mention my other friend brought up the time I was orally raped and shrugged it off

Like please please stop using mental illness as an excuse to treat people badly. I cant handle this anymore

All she does is constantly push me away I feel like dying my heart hurts constantly but she doesn't give a shit

My friend is so incredibly toxic and I dont think I can handle it anymore

im mainly on here to express my feelings in a safe space but i do talk some political stuff on here ksdjks but im not the greatest at that stuff

I don't know who to talk to about stuff like this


I sobbed for an hour yesterday over something so minuscule. It was just build up and build up of people standing me up and disappointing me and I just snapped.


I hate people. The more I live and breathe the more I realise how truly selfish people are and how much I hate them.


How self involved does someone need to be. What kind of emotional narcissism does this entail, how fucking self absorbed are you. I'm not expecting much but some decent fucking respect.


I guess you can suck the life out of me by demanding my emotional labour


Holy shit holy shit holy shit. People honestly take everything from me and give nothing in return I'm so fucking angry right now

you're too old to be so shy he says to me so I stay the night

selin boosted

damn i was so naive i thought the dudes posting "respect women" memes were being ironically sincere in a social climate of overwhelming irony instead of just misogynists doing regular irony

wow you're a white cishet anti-feminist woman??? I never woulda guessed!!!!!!!!!

@deathbyliberals I just wanted to say I'm really happy to see you so happy on this app. I've been following you a while on twitter and could tell it was breaking you down esp with the constant harassment you took in. You're suspension made me realise how terrible that site is, which made me discover this one so thank you!!

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!