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a star war 

Found this gif of the Star Wars cast being asked what their reaction is to the end of Episode IX, and I can't stop laughing at it!

Larger version here:

me: i know, to avoid needing to critically analyse stuff, i'll watch kids shows

*puts on scooby doo*

every episode: capitalist A appropriates indigenous myth to coerce capitalist B. capitalist A gets arrested but only for being a public menace*, no indigenous people are ever featured (except maybe A's henchmen in redface)

* no really in one episode because it's all on private property nothing happens

Dairy milk alternatives and their impact on the planet ranked 

This article has a clickbaity headline, which doesn't really fit with the message at the end, about switching from dairy to *anything* being the most important thing. But... good to know! I'll now try to lower my coconut and almond milk consumption, stick more with oat milk and maybe add in hazelnut! 🥛 this was one of the few relaxing things at bootcamp: You have very limited stuff and everything has a designated place.

On January 27 I read Latonya Pennington's "I Need a Spell"

The second to last stanza is just lovely:
"If fantasy
is the impossible
made possible
then may my imagination
be written in verse."

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Shit, fuck, you got me conservatives. My environmental beliefs were all a hoax, a farce, im doing it to push an agenda.I only wanted you to stop polluting the oceans and institute better fish stock management practices so I can eat more sushi without feeling bad or worrying about mercury poisoning. You got me.

when you’ve barely slept off your exhaustion and your teammate is being way too peppy for mid-afternoon and barging into your shitty inn room #dnd #mastoart

@CartoonBangover I've said it before and nobody ever gave me a solid argument against: anarchism may be cool in theory, but without higher-level organization, minorities will always be at the whims of the violent
when the only thing stopping violence against a minority is a vague moral obligation and some dudes that swore an oath on their own terms, I feel like there's little reason to believe it will turn in favor of the smaller group

pellets guy wants your ideas for future cursed food @hyperlink this! But espresso, not this weak broth you get in the U.S.

pellets guy wants your ideas for future cursed food 

@hyperlink you could do a flavor surprise with brown sauce, chili sauce, chocolate sauce and strawberry juice?

新年快乐!!Happy Lunar New Year!! 🏮✨🧧 inside most creatures there lives a skeleton, just waiting to be released.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!