"And do you know what that button is for?" she asked and gently put a kiss on their neck.
"No." - "Do you want to find out?"
"Is it dangerous?" they turned around to face her.
"Turn around and close your eyes," she whispered, "it is worth it."
First, there was a low rumbling and mechanical klicking, then the long scraping of cylinders opening the blast doors.
"Open your eyes again."
They was stunned silent from taking in the unfolding scenery.
"The smaller moon I named after you."
this kind of in-your-face combative messaging addressed at changing harmful behaviors towards queer people is a great example of a large organization doing pride right
RT @spencrejack@twitter.com
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/spencrejack/status/1135651450753900545
Eid Mubarak, everyone! #EidAl-Fitr
fedilab's come out and blocked gab and predictably the SS wannabes are crawling out from their shitholes to say "if you're blocking this, when are you blocking that?" or "Waaaah, what gives you the right to censorship?"
Nazis thrive on you doing nothing to stop them.
They thrive on hand wringing and whatbaout-ism.
Here's my simple advice: If you come across a nazi cunt, kick their teeth in.
Biodiversity crisis is about to put humanity at risk, UN scientists to warn http://www.theguardian.com/environment/2019/may/03/climate-crisis-is-about-to-put-humanity-at-risk-un-scientists-warn #environment #climate
"The middle class is a fiction created to obscure the relationship and conflict between the owners and the workers"
It has always bothered me how US media and politics focus entirely on the so-called middle class. Like why the fuck does nobody care about the poor? Now I know.
"Just 10 minutes more," I thought to myself, as another minor shock wave from an explosion gently rippled past my rescue pod. The automated protocol blared at me sternly: How dare I snooze its efforts. A cloud of small fragments had been ripped off the dreaded prison ship's carcass. The curved bright trails in the planet's atmosphere bathed my face in warm light. I hadn't been this happy in years. This glorious fireworks of freedom. "Just 10 minutes more."
I was just recently reminded of my favorite "controversy" to ever happen in the hobbyist board gaming community - One Deck Dungeon.
So, ODD was going to be the first ever "roguelike in a box", and people were hyped - a way to scratch the itch of playing classic video games like NetHack, except with cardboard!
The game was released, word got around how good it was... and then vultures descended, attacking it with whiny posts and reviews.
For, you see, ODD had committed an unforgivable cardinal sin, in the eyes of these nerds:
All four playable characters were women.
The actual NSA recommends using an ad blocker for your security https://apps.nsa.gov/iaarchive/library/supporting-documents/blocking-unnecessary-advertising-web-content.cfm #infosec #security
And you should be using uBlock Origin. https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/
am >30y/o, love my SO, food & nature, long walks, and longer cuddles.