Kyurii boosted
Kyurii boosted
Kyurii boosted

r/traa post, may contain sensitive content 

Does anyone else feel this way

Kyurii boosted
Kyurii boosted


i just got a prescription for these shots that'll make me the cutest girlfriend

Kyurii boosted

boost if you have a cat
boost if you want a cat
boost if you are a cat
no one will know which

Kyurii boosted

speaking as a trans woman, <screams for approximately an hour>

"I think I've finally settled into a species I like for my fursona!"

10 seconds later, swaping species for the 5th time

Kyurii boosted

Bad pun, insomnia 

I spent a few hours lying in bed trying to come up with snake puns instead of sleeping.

Guess I have hissomnia.

There I made a pun I can sleep now.

I now have Black Mage at lvl50. I look very silly.

But why does it have hooves? @pettancow

Kyurii boosted


m-maybe part of me *wanted* these pills to turn me into some kind of cutie

Kyurii boosted


how long do I have to keep taking these pills until I'm a badass monster

Kyurii boosted


i just got a prescription for these shots that'll make me the cutest friend

FFXIV SB 4.5 Alliance Raid pre-dungeon Character spoilers 

I actually really like how the Viera look, I'm extremely tempted to make a Viera alt or fantasia to Viera when Shadowbringers comes out.

My doctor doubled my estrogen dose.
I feel every emotion so unbelievably strong right now

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!