@LuigiEsq @anarchiv I only listen to takes on LGBT issues from people with scores of 7+. Doesn't matter if they have an argument or not. That's my threshold
@restioson @LuigiEsq@mastodon.social @anarchiv 7? I don't know if I'm doing these maths properly. My calculator says "3.87e+42"
@Anarkat @LuigiEsq @anarchiv best I can do is 4.7. Take it or leave it.
@restioson @Anarkat @LuigiEsq uh-oh, that's a cancellation.
@anarchiv @Anarkat @LuigiEsq #canceled
Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!
@Anarkat @LuigiEsq @anarchiv best I can do is 4.7. Take it or leave it.