I'm a GBBG
Gently Beeping Bat Girl. =w=
@Jenkar Nah, I just figured bat me might as well be able to make noises best described as beeping. :3
@BatElite beep.
@Felthry Beep!
@BatElite beep!
@Felthry How is the {checks} quilava doing this morning?
@BatElite Pretty much okay. What you about?
@BatElite er, what about you. How did those words get transposed like that
@Felthry To answer the jumble first: I'm all about cuddles and drawing and making people happy. :3
Otherwise I'm doing alright today. Still annoyed at bureaucratic shite but the fluidity calmed down. :P
@BatElite *hugs!*
@Felthry *Hugs a cutie, nuzzles their snoot <3*
@BatElite You're part robot :o?