@Raspberryfloof It does sound nice to me for whatever reason. What do those music frequencies do anyway? Is it the notes in reverse order, but on the regular melody?
@BatElite Pretty much. The game has a list of values that it uses to play each note, ordered in ascending order (C, C#, D, D#, E...). We reversed those values, so they go in descending order (C, B, A#, A, G#...), but left the actual music data untouched, so it uses the wrong values.
@BatElite Pretty much. The game has a list of values that it uses to play each note, ordered in ascending order (C, C#, D, D#, E...). We reversed those values, so they go in descending order (C, B, A#, A, G#...), but left the actual music data untouched, so it uses the wrong values.