Alright y'all, meet me at

Hmmmm I wanna be a snouter but I also just moved here... hmmm.....

Someone just pointed at the temple and told a child "That's Jesus' house".

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The cool thing about the Salt Lake Temple is I'm not allowed inside.

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Today's mood: Extra gay at my brother's wedding to spite my extended family.


Pumpkin spice is fine, but caramel apple is the ultimate fall flavor.

I've got so much to do today and I honestly just can't wait to get home and play Donut County.

Hello friends, would you like to play an intellectual property with me?

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Gamers love to call Luigi an "Intellectual Property".

Got my cardio in before work today, which means when I get home I can make a beeline to the couch.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!