I have this spare beater body I'm thinking of maybe trying something fun on. What should I do? Stickerbomb it? Or maybe try relic-ing it.

Can't wait for the snow to go. Maybe I should get a bike for a good price while its still here.

I'm feeling like that plant that Valve talks about on their blog post updates. Apparently, I am the sole developer at our startup as of a month ago. It explains the work load...

Update: I have been gifted a tape measure and a 15 pound C++ programming book

I say i'm into computers and programming but I don't understand most of the lingo or other things that are commonly used

exhibit a: what the heck is a git

The current micro-bubble post-pandemic burst will make it more challenging to find a new job in IT. I don't need a full time job, just any job to qualify for permanent residency, so I figure its a perfect time to try something new.

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I'm seriously considering quitting the IT field in favor of a more hands-on job, like, for example, carpentry or luthiery. The place I moved to seems to have a lot of opportunities for working with all three professions mentioned, but I feel a little drained from the IT routine.

In-laws are sorting their cupboards again, and I'm getting free junk! Woohoo!

Leaving the GIO on the rack to have its neck settle. Hope the garage won't be too cold for it.

I got electrocuted with a particularly strong jolt of static like a week ago and my finger STILL hurts lol

guh, my boot configuration is messed up yet AGAIN. HOW does this keep happening!?

If the used parts scene here is anything like back home, its probably from a Korean company

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Will pickup manufacturers ever normalize branding their products? Like, I wanna know who the hell made this humbucker.

Managed to make some big progress on fixing my GIO, AND finished one of the projects from the backlog. Productive Christmas, hey?

dunno what happened last time, but i accidentally sent like 20 confirmation requests and none of em came till christmas. sorry admins lol

Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!