gameing, Okami HD (Spoilery)
EVERY cute girl in this game has Ammy going gaga over them what the heck. like I know the devs say Ammy is genderless because she's a deity but with other deities calling her "mother" I mean...
Ammy is one thirsty lesbian tho. We just met Kaguya, and she's a bunny girl with a space helmet on because of COURSE she is (and also Mr Bamboo's granddaughter because she's straight outta the legend of Princess Kaguya of course). and we got jawdrop amazement again.
gameing, Okami HD (Spoilery)
Welp i uh...
I foudn a little floating island over one of the areas and uh...
its where the tengu guy has his headquarters and has his underlings... um...
I am literally seeing giant computer screens with scrolling text and stuff what the hell. like it's magical tech but its still tech
gameing, Okami HD (Spoilery)
Amaterasu is one thirsty lesbiab. I love it.