I probably should have mentioned re: the sending me your sonas:
You don't have to send art, feel free to just natter at me about them!
They don't have to be classically furry either! They can be birbs, shorks, durgs, robotfriens, swimfriens, whatever!
If I've already seen your art or whether, that's okay! Send it again. I love seeing it anyway ^^ doesn't even matter if it's art you've done and you don't think it's very good. It's still you, and I'd still love to see it!
Aaaaaaaa the physical world ones are cute too omg
@Nine theyre like the shark version of a stingray, scoots around hoovering up crabs
and with their muscular pectoral fins! walk along the sea bed i mean
That's so cool! What lead to you making this new Sona then? ^^
They sit firmly in the "yes" side. Along with everything else :D monsters are valid and good too
@Nine Have a tiny minotaur then \o/ (art courtesy Long-Mao, Sigelmonn, MrQBear and myself, respectively)
Mini Minotaur on tour! :D super cute too!
@Nine Thank you <3
@Nine https://www.dropbox.com/s/9flb1w1mw9n8uf4/rosemary%20%28%26%20felthry%29.png?dl=0 If you want to see what we look like, here you go!
@Nine (art is from @catterfly by the way)
Oooh, cool! Multi arms, interchangable heads I see? Also Taur! Great design, lots of fun! Also cute, would hug if allowed. ^^
@Nine You're definitely allowed to hug!
@Rosemary yay! *hugs happily*
@Nine *hugs back* <3
@Nine Where do monstergirls sit on this spectrum? o: