okay so... I hired a crew member in Starbound (using the Frackin' Universe mod. I've had starbound for AGES and ages and ages and welp, gotten back into playing it lately with Miq, havin' a good time), and... they are an occult scholar, and I found her in a sarcophagus on an Avian zealot pyramid in space. Turns out her status was "kissed a girl and liked it" so I now have an eldrich investigator lesbian on my crew. \o/
@elfi @SophicLeech It's really surprising just how much work went into the Avali mod for Starbound. Like, actual individual item descriptions that are lore friendly, crafting tables and items, armour, cosmetics, decorative items, everything, it's so wonderful ^^
Only issue their height is the same as everyone else as opposed to like, half the height of humans in Starbound because of engine limitations XD
@elfi @SophicLeech yeaaah D: That's definitely understandable. FU overreaching tho? This i hadn't heard about D:
@Nine @SophicLeech That's more from personal experience--they've been rewriting even the vanilla missions and such to fit their personal idea of difficulty and it honestly feels like they're trying to replace Starbound with their own vision as opposed to adding to it
@elfi @SophicLeech Ah yeah it does make an awful lot of changes, some of them are definitely for the better and are interesting, and the addition of a bunch of extra secrets in early missions is pretty fun, but... yeah I can totally understand that issue. If you were into the vanilla lore, FU definitely messed with that a bit.
...Also I'm somewhat concerned about how one of the lead devs said "Kevin is the best NPC" and... Kevin is AWFUL, if you meet him and read up on him. YIKES.
@Nine @SophicLeech Kevin is literally the worst to the point of just being pathetic, yeah
And honestly I'm not too big on the official lore? The main story feels forced and the exploration elements aren't very well executed, but it still feels like it's overstepping and making it more difficult for other mods to find their niche
@Nine @SophicLeech yeee! The avali are really fun. Sadly I've been kind of burnt out on SB, between FU getting *really* overreaching and Tiy's professional indiscretions...
OTOH Terraria's regular debacles with Spinks makes me just wish I could play a cute 2D sandbox without developer baggage ;w;