i wish to be smol.
too smol!
@BatElite PocketRen! For all your sknq requirements
@Nine My sknq requirements id that they're cute and snuggly and blushy.
@BatElite oh heck! that's me then!
@Nine gasp! A new fae friend :O
@elfi \o/
@Nine a big tall skunk friend approaches you, what's that in their pocket? SUPRISE a tinier skunk friend! And they have something in their pocket?! DOUBLE SUPRISE, it's an even smaller skunk!
@LANthus it's skunks all the way down
@Nine is it cartoon nonsense or nanomachine magic? Yes!
@LANthus fractalsknq :3
@Nine oh gosh now I'm picturing Gem with Ren nanomachines on her. Just sknq bit on tol skunk.
@Nine sknq BUT on tol skunk. I can type!
@LANthus sknq butt :3
@Nine You are a colony of machines that are literally measured by the micrometre. I'm not sure how much smoller you can get without upsetting physics.
@Nine Microren.