it is somewhat annoying to us when people refer to star fox as the pinnacle of mode 7, because it's not mode 7 at all, mode 7 can't do anything close to that

@Felthry ... Wait... Mode 7 is like... The flying map screen in final fantasy 6/5 and secret of mana right?

@Nine yeah, it was also capable of some more impressive stuff like the rotating cylinder room in super castlevania iv though

@Felthry more mundanely I think they used it for things like Bowser's clown ship in smb spinning around and falling into the background, and the pendulum on the title screen of chrono trigger if memory serves too

@Nine yeah those are both also mode 7, just less impressive examples of it

@Felthry I dunno, they're pretty impressive to me how they managed to fake a moving, scaling sprite so well with little tricks like that ^^

@Felthry but yeah those are straight up polygons the SNES and superFX chip are throwing around in Starfox

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