
@theautisticcoach @actuallyautistic

I don't mind waiting in line, but I refuse to use self-checkout. It's just an excuse for companies to not hire cashiers and make more profit.
You want me to check out my own purchases? Hire me, and give me a paycheck. At least give me a discount.

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@ScottSoCal @theautisticcoach @actuallyautistic I quite like self checkout actually, the concept makes a ton of sense

@ScottSoCal @theautisticcoach @actuallyautistic

I totally agree. I've had several grocery store employees tell me that they hate the darn things, that people have been let go because of them.

@Bette @ScottSoCal @theautisticcoach @actuallyautistic
Don't want to use a self-scan till but the hand-held scanner that you go around the shop with and put your purchases directly into your own bags is useful and removes the stress of not knowing the total in advance. Don't have to talk to anyone usually either.

@ScottSoCal @theautisticcoach i love the self checkout, personally. it's so satisfying! and i don't have to interact with anybody if i don't feel up to it. i will happily scan my items for free.

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