Hello, I'm Yuki. I am #OpenlyAutistic #ActuallyAutistic #Autistic

I am currently struggling with my emotions that, for some reason, I no longer have control over, and it is so intense, I sometimes cry while walking just thinking about how my mom is struggling with her daily life, while waiting for her eye operation.

My entire life, I was #Spock. But for the past month or so, I've been Spock the human.

I never thought I will need a support group one day, since I've learned to live masking and find ways. But, right now, I definitely need a support group. And I am trying to find one locally that I can join physically. And just cry, and just share, to just be me, someone who will listen.

None of my usual calming methods and tics are working anymore. The emotions are just too intense, I have no idea how to put the lid back on it.

So, yeah, I'm Yuki.

@actuallyautistic @autistics

#Support #Philippines




You may find that what you're most upset about is just the top layer, and there's more under that. Whether there is or isn't, it's all right. Just take it one step at a time, and if you need to scream, vent, cry, or whatever, we're happy to be a sounding board.

@actuallyautistic @autistics @youronlyone@firefish.social

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