
I'm currently touring homes for sale in Bel Air and Beverly Hills. I wouldn't actually live either place, even if I could afford it. I don't even like to go as far as the 101/405 interchange, but it's fun to look at the houses.

@theautisticcoach @actuallyautistic

@ScottSoCal @theautisticcoach @actuallyautistic I'm actually looking for real - leaving California for someplace cheaper

@synkr3tyk @ScottSoCal @theautisticcoach @actuallyautistic don’t come to the South…it’s cheap cost of living, but we pay for it with having to deal with homophobic, trans-phobic, racist, misogynistic asswipes.



I sympathize, though. We moved to California in the 90s, to Santa Barbara, and bought a place there just before real estate went insane there. We only owned it 3 years, but sold it for twice what we'd paid (after a lot of DIY fixup). Sank that into the current house, and I couldn't afford to buy this place today. My mortgage payment is half what we'd pay in rent for a smaller place.

@synkr3tyk @theautisticcoach @actuallyautistic

@ScottSoCal @johnettesnuggs @theautisticcoach @actuallyautistic If it works out like we hope, I might be able to make my mortgage disappear entirely, which is a whole new level of slack for lining up the next venture.

@synkr3tyk @ScottSoCal @theautisticcoach @actuallyautistic i know some people who moved here from California, and they do not have a mortgage. It’s unreal the difference in real estate costs out there vs here.

@johnettesnuggs @ScottSoCal @theautisticcoach @actuallyautistic It's a balancing of concerns, the financial windfall vs. living among fascist shitbags. We'll be in a blue urban enclave, though. ("Blue", because although they vote Democratic, I wouldn't suggest most of the people there are actually left of center - but with a healthy number of notable exceptions.)

@synkr3tyk @ScottSoCal @theautisticcoach @actuallyautistic Little Rock and Fayetteville are very blue. The rest of our state is super MAGAt Christofacist…I hate living here. If I didn’t have elderly relatives to take care of, I really think I would sell everything and move.

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