Many autistics deal with insomnia and other sleeping issues. It is something I have struggled with my entire life.

Here is a guide that has some things that have really helped others.

#ActuallyAutistic #Insomnia #AuDHD @actuallyautistic

@autism101 @actuallyautistic

This document seems to be a mixed bag as far as I'm concerned. I did not read all of it super carefully.

Melatonin does exactly *nothing* for me. Yes, I've tried different dosages, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc. The next doctor who pulls melatonin out of their magic hat is going to get a big talking to from me.

Moreover, it is far from proven that blue light has anything to do with disrupting sleep. I did a Google search with "blue light in the evening debunked" and found multiple sources indicating that studies are showing that this is a dubious statement. My own experience is consistent with it being untrue. It does not matter whether I reduce the blue light or not at bedtime. (Though I don't know if it is because of my own brand of autism.)

A major issue as far as sleep goes, for me, is the fact that autistic people have unusual or paradoxical reactions to medicines. I did not see this in the document. Again, I did not read the whole document carefully, so I may have missed it.

None of the sleep medicines prescribed by doctors worked for me. Even the melatonin did not work. Either they did not work at all, or they ceased working after a bit. The only thing that has had a long term impact is THC.

I'm curious about what other autistic people have to say about melatonin, blue lights, and anything else.


I've reflected on my sleep issues here:

@yourautisticlife @autism101 @actuallyautistic Melatonin (2mg slow release) worked for me...until it didn't. Back to the drawing board.



I use an over-the-counter sleep aid, Unisom tablets (doxylamine succinate). It's just a drowsy-inducing antihistamine, but it stays in the body longer than the other approved medication (diphenhydramine), and my problem isn't getting to sleep, it's staying asleep. 1/2 tablet every night is enough to keep me sleeping through the night. The tablets are scored at the 1/2 point, so it's easy to break them in half.

@yourautisticlife @autism101 @actuallyautistic

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