

Biting my tongue and the inside of my cheek, just this morning, standing in line to pick up my new glasses, while the clerk and customer ahead of me talked about which solvents would be best to keep eyeglasses clean.
I deal with solvents every day. I know which ones take care of oil based and water soluble contaminates. I know which ones are safe to use on anti-reflective coat. But I was good, I stayed quiet.


Β· Β· 1 Β· 2 Β· 2


It is sometimes better to shut our yap and play along. I do that regularly with tech CSR that read from a script.

"Have you rebooted the device?"

"Have you plugged and unplugged it?'

"Have you..."


This little ditty was inspired partly by my conversations with such CSRs:

@AutisticAdam @actuallyautistic

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Computer Fairies

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