@100mountains @kkffoo @pathfinder @KaCi @actuallyautistic @allautistics @neurodivergence

Okay, I've decided I'm going to comment here.

In many parts of the world people in lower economic classes often can't access professional diagnoses. Even in the UK, as I understand from discussions, the health care system doesn't always provide health care diagnostics that are truly expert/competent in diagnosing autism, particularly in women and PoC, LGBTQ, etc.

So your approach is exclusionary and discriminatory against lower economic classes. I realize you may have reasons unique to your experience that leads you to suggest this approach, but it's not exactly supportive of the neurodiversity paradigm which is based upon principles of acceptance and inclusivity of diverse neurotypes.

Can you "tell" who is self-diagnosed or not? I don't think so. Self assessment takes back control from the medical establishment, and allows us to define ourselves without the imposed authority of a system that has historically been conceptually flawed in understanding autism and neurodivergence.

@obrerx @100mountains @kkffoo @pathfinder @KaCi @actuallyautistic @allautistics @neurodivergence I was told by the specialist who dx'd my kid that I'm "likely" on the spectrum. But in my area, only private clinics do adult assessments with appointments averaging $5000. Even if someone had suggested I was ND as a kid, I wouldn't have been assessed cause my dad didn't "believe in psychology" (it was suggested my sibling was but they didn't follow it up).
Not accepting self-dx is classist nonsense

@Vincarsi @obrerx @100mountains @kkffoo @pathfinder @KaCi @actuallyautistic @allautistics @neurodivergence This has been really eye-opening for me. I had a similar experience when my kiddo got their diagnosis (same deal that I'm likely on the spectrum, adult assessment too expensive for me to pursue, etc.) and keep having those "whoa that sounds a lot like me" moments but didn't think I would at all be included or welcomed without something more substantive like a formal assessment.



I had the same questions, but I just came in here and asked if they minded me being here. It was very welcoming. I went from "possibly" to "maybe" to "probably" to "OK, yes" talking to the people here, and reading them talk to each other.

@Vincarsi @obrerx @100mountains@mastodon.social @kkffoo @pathfinder @KaCi @actuallyautistic @allautistics @neurodivergence

Β· Β· 1 Β· 3 Β· 5

@ScottSoCal I have a lengthy history of folks telling me I don't belong under my belt so even though I have a few successes I can point to, I've found my willingness to put myself out there and potentially be turned away has also blunted my willingness to try. Even though my head says that rejection says more about that particular individual than me, it's sometimes hard to want to be seen

@Vincarsi @obrerx @100mountains @kkffoo @pathfinder @KaCi @actuallyautistic @allautistics @neurodivergence


I don't think that (feeling like/being told you don't belong) is uncommon for autistic people. Someone posted a study in here that indicated allistic people have an automatic negative reaction to our affect and presentation.
I spent 60 years thinking there was something broken about me. Turns out it's not broken, just different.

@Vincarsi @obrerx @100mountains@mastodon.social @kkffoo @pathfinder @KaCi @actuallyautistic @allautistics @neurodivergence

I relate to a whole lot of stories from minority groups. Glass ceiling, #weathering, socioeconomic disadvantage, second rate treatment in virtually all departments. But I'm an attractive, intelligent, white male. So I don't deserve shit. And I'll be fine, they say. So I don't get community, nor support, and I "don't look autistic."
@ScottSoCal @monkeyninja @Vincarsi @obrerx @100mountains @kkffoo @pathfinder @KaCi

Finally this diagnosis, though pursued by a partner intent on pathologizing me, has given me a language with which to describe my experience. It has given me a reason that no one relates. And. It has given me insight into the allistic mind. I can now see their social comfort. I can see the pleasure they believe to be common. I can see the social support they assume I must have.
@ScottSoCal @monkeyninja @Vincarsi @obrerx @100mountains @kkffoo @pathfinder @KaCi

@eo @ScottSoCal @monkeyninja @obrerx @100mountains @kkffoo @pathfinder @KaCi it's like everything snaps into focus with this missing puzzle piece. We're marginalized for being different without knowing how we're different

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