@actuallyautistic @allautistics
Well, after my first ADHD assessment appointment out of three, my clinician said she’s getting β€œlarge autism vibes” and on Monday with my actual testing appointment she’s going to do testing for both ADHD and ASD to figure out if I’m both or one or the other.



Good luck, but I have to ask - am I the only person who is offended by that trailing D?
Disorder? Really, that has to be tacked on?

@actuallyautistic @allautistics

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@ScottSoCal @dukeoffailure @actuallyautistic @allautistics

Here in Belgium it is called Autisme Spectrum Stoornis. And even tho 'Stoornis' translates somewhat correctly to 'Disorder', it makes the abbreviation ASS. Which makes all the difference.

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