

I've started wondering if the negative reaction NTs have to NDs is related to the phenomenon they're calling "Uncanny Valley" in robotics. People have an automatic negative reaction to robots who are very close to human appearance, but slightly off. @actuallyautistic

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There's definitely an "uncanny valley" aspect to how we are perceived.

Also look into "thin slicing", which refers to the way people tend to make instant, sub conscious judgements about others based on the first few seconds of seeing them, and trust their own gut feeling without being aware what they're basing it on.


@ScottSoCal @CuriousMagpie @vee @actuallyautistic I get that a lot - a sort of 'you're not from around here, are you?' look with a bit of furrowed brow/scowl. I think of it as having the Berlitz book (well-annotated, many notes in the margins) for interpersonal communication while speaking with a fluent interpersonal communication...communicator. I'm close, but no cigar, with some people.

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