@actuallyautistic @allautistics
I keep seeing people complaining about how Mastodon is full of "splainy reply guys" and I think there's a misperception of #Autistic #infodumping going on. I think there's more of us on here and we're more comfortable being ourselves. What will it take to get the allistics to understand that our contributions are offered in a mature "yes, and" spirit as opposed to the juvenile "well, actually" they seem to always read it as.
We're genuinely smart, not stuck up.

@Vincarsi @actuallyautistic @allautistics Evergreen question. I see two big reasons why:

1) People who mean "Well, actually ... [with "you ignorant doofus", or worse, implied]" greatly outnumber "Yes, and" or "Totally with you on this" ones (who skew #ActuallyAutistic) ...
2) ... especially among men talking to women.

Hence, 'splainy reply guys.

I might also add:

3) there are #ActuallyAutistic people out there who, because of unresolved misogyny, bad socialization, or what have you, sometimes adopt the "'splainy reply guy" script because in some circumstances, it sort of works to get what they want -- because our overall society (thinking USA here, but it's true many other places) is pretty hostile towards women and especially women demonstrating expertise.

Crossing that bridge is *hard*. You can't do it as it's happening, because that just sounds like trying to 'splain the 'splaining. And people who assume a splainy guy by default aren't exactly wrong, either. Most of the time, it *is* a splainy reply guy and #ActuallyAutistic people are on the wrong side of the stats.

@dpnash @actuallyautistic @allautistics yeah, I've been on the wrong end of mansplainers myself. Being a smart AFAB, I've certainly seen my share of guys getting irrationally angry that I already know about the thing they're trying to impress me with. I have more issues with that IRL, and it's really impacted my ability to socialize. Online I don't have to deal with the potential danger, but then I get lumped in with the assholes who make offline hell so I can't make friends here, either



A few years ago I sat in a meeting while a (no longer here) electronics engineer mansplained astronomy to the (female) program lead scientist who was visiting from NASA.
It was entertaining AF when she explained all the very many ways he got it wrong.

@dpnash @actuallyautistic @allautistics

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