
Just got wondering today - have any of you had hyperfocus kick in when it was something you were doing, not something you're watching/reading/studying?

I used to play pool, at an average amateur level, and two games have always stuck in my memory. I *was* the game. I made shots I never could before. Everything was the pool table, and the cue in my hands. Both times it just happened, and I tried to to it on purpose, but that never worked. Just those two games. Autism? Or not?


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@ScottSoCal @actuallyautistic Probably not unless all elite sports players are autistic.

For discussions on focus and emotions, read H is for Hawk by Helen Macdonald. At times in the book she feels she is the hawk she is training, she feels such complete identification.

@ScottSoCal @actuallyautistic

This happened to me, too, playing pool, although it was during my drinking days and I am not a reliable witness. I have experienced similar when writing, in more recent years, and, as someone else posted, I call it "flow".

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