
Looking for recommendations: what do you do when you get stuck figuring out what emotion(s) you're feeling?

My mother died a few days ago. Our relationship was toxic, and we haven't spoken for years. I know I'm feeling something, from the tense crackling inside, but I don't know what it is.

@ScottSoCal @actuallyautistic If you’ve ever practiced meditation: now is the time to use it.

If you’ve never practiced meditation: now might be a good time to try it.



I did, once upon a time. And this may sound like snark, but I promise it isn't: it's dark and scary in there, and I don't want to visit again.


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@ScottSoCal @cmdrmoto @actuallyautistic

Meditation is the practice of visiting those places that may be scary, and observe them with compassion, without judgment

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