
Looking for recommendations: what do you do when you get stuck figuring out what emotion(s) you're feeling?

My mother died a few days ago. Our relationship was toxic, and we haven't spoken for years. I know I'm feeling something, from the tense crackling inside, but I don't know what it is.

@ScottSoCal @actuallyautistic I write a blog post about it. In the olden times, I wrote it down in my diary. But it helps me a lot to write about it. I can structure my thoughts and usually I have a clearer sense of what's going on when I'm done.

@ScottSoCal @Sci_Fi_FanGirl @actuallyautistic

Grief is in the air, maybe. I just posted this, minutes ago:

This morning I wrote a letter to my Dad, who passed away in 2016. After writing about how the kids were doing, I shared a little bit about neurodiversity and about spirituality - stuff that has been on my mind.

I closed with this: "I know you thought about these things during your life. You shared some of your journey with me. That mattered. I want you to know that your sharing mattered."

And then I cried for a little while. Like I'm doing right now.

@GTMLosAngeles @ScottSoCal @Sci_Fi_FanGirl @actuallyautistic I lost my parents many years ago. The feelings associated with the loss of a parent can be complicated, because the relationships are complicated. I think a large part of the grief, especially if the relationship was difficult, is the loss of what might have been. The chance of reconciliation & a new beginning is gone. So condolences to all those experiencing grief. The little girl in me still misses what I had, & what I hoped to have.

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