Same food talk 

In 2019, every morning for months I ate pop tarts for breakfast when I first got to work.

Then I got sick of them and didn’t eat them again for 5 years until last week. Now I’m eating them every day again lol.

Anyone else do that where you eat a same food every day until you’re sick of it and don’t eat it again until years later?



re: Same food talk 


I eat one meal a day - lunch. Breakfast is coffee/cream and a few handfuls of mixed unsalted nuts. Lunch is whatever dish I cooked that week. This week it's chicken fajita (chicken / peppers / onions / mushrooms, jalapeno cheese, no tortillas) with an orange and apples for dessert. Dinner is whatever fruit is left over from lunch. I'll eat this all week, and next week it'll be a different main course, but the same everything else.


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