@actuallyautistic #ActuallyAutistic i do a lot of meeting requests and receive a lot of emails that start like this:

"Good morning!

I hope you all had excellent weekends.”

I start mine like this, and because of this, am considered an asshole:

β€œ[Name] would like to set up a one hour call on this topic. Please let me know if any of the following times work:”

…because heaven forbid we be efficient and clear in our communication

@filmfreak75 @actuallyautistic I just realized that my lack of small-talk in email made people think I was a jerk. I am now doing my best to include plenty of small talk so they will know for sure that I am a jerk.



A co-worker of mine is determined, in a friendly way, to force me into small talk. When I need to go see him about something he wants me to greet, ask customary questions (How are you?) Habit on his part is to protest by saying "We don't sleep together, so you can't just demand." He stopped saying that - or laughs after he says it - because I responded with "That's not my fault, you're the straight one."

@filmfreak75 @actuallyautistic

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