Diary of an ASD Squirrel. Day 219 , Monday 03/06/2024

Another disturbed night, slightly better than last night because I had learnt some lessons on ewhat my foot would & would not tolerate.

Went to see the GP this morning, I have, in fact, got gout . So on a 4 day course of Colchicine โ€ฆ the GP was very specific about the 4 days - apparently 5 days = my entire digestive system liquifying & a decent stay in the local hospital !

The new meds are working a storm in association with the pain killers , this evening I am walking (well shuffling) sans crutches ! It hurts like hell, but importantly it is bearable !
I hope that this means that I will get some decent sleep tonight !

Also made an appointment to see yon GP about my ADHD assessment in a week or so , so the journey continues !

Final Thoughts.

I am so relieved to be coming out of the other side of this gout flare up , is has been one of the most painful experiences of my life !
Hopefully future episodes will be avoided via ongoing medication.

I really hope that seeing yon GP later this month will be a positive move in my ASD journey !

Thank you to all those who are helping me on this journey, in a myriad different ways. I am thankful to each & every one of you! ๐Ÿซ‚ ๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿฟ๏ธ๐Ÿ––

#TimsASDjourney #ActuallyAutistic #Neurospicy #TheMammutMoves



I'm happy my experience was useful for you, less so that it came after you'd had it so long.


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@ScottSoCal @actuallyautistic Thank you so much! It was only a couple of days mon ami ! Iโ€™m so glad I got a pointer so soon!

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