This could be the connection between Ehlers-Danlos and neurodivergence. (People with EDS, like me, are 7 times as likely to be autistic and 5 times as likely to have ADHD -- also like me.)

Cartilage-Like Structures Key to Brain Plasticity - Neuroscience News


@cykonot @neurodivergence @actuallyautistic @eds


> Individuals with hypermobility are (up to 16 times) overrepresented among those with panic or anxiety disorders.2 Hypermobility is also linked to stress-sensitive psychosomatic disorders including irritable bowel syndrome, fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue and is associated with hypersensitivity to nociceptive stimuli.

@hosford42 @cykonot i can't help but notice that if you have EDS, POTS, and MCAS you can easily score in the highest category on the "Beck Anxiety Inventory" even if you feel no anxiety on the emotional level. honestly i think there is some statistical invalidity lurking there - of course the group with more of the symptoms listed on the anxiety inventory will come out with a higher likelihood of anxiety. research into conditions that overlap with the physical "anxiety symptoms" should come up with a different way to assess anxiety, imo.

(next, if we want to get radical, we can discuss not categorizing all the conditions that share the physical symptoms of anxiety as "psychosomatic"....) @neurodivergence @actuallyautistic @eds


Miaoue I see that "psychosomatic" can be defined as "a psychological condition that leads to physical symptoms with no other medical explanation"

So there's no acknowledgement of the physiological causes of anxiety (and depression)? Like hormones, or differences in brain chemistry (eg dopamine) and differences in sympathetic nervous system response?

@hosford42 @cykonot @neurodivergence @actuallyautistic @eds


I believe it's controversial to call something "psychosomatic" simply because no physiological causes are known or understood.

Because psychosomatic is a definite claim that there are no such physiological causes, and that would require a better understanding than we currently have.

@miaoue @hosford42 @cykonot @neurodivergence @actuallyautistic @eds


"We don't know why" seems a lot better than a term can be understood to mean "You're making it up"

@androcat @miaoue @hosford42 @cykonot @neurodivergence @actuallyautistic @eds

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