us politics 

#politics @actuallyautistic
I don't post on that site, so I will here.

Dude misses a couple ginormous points. Nik Kristoff has always been a right wing apologist. The other point is one that always gets me, that the US ranks 187th out of 250 nations in population density. The whole argument that we can't support more people is absurd. We have the resources to take care of a billion more, easy, at a great standard of living. The "immigration crisis" has always been a bald-faced lie.

wiki on population density:

re: us politics 


"We have the resources to take care of a billion more, easy, at a great standard of living."

We don't. The planet doesn't. The entire planet would have to be converted to housing and growing food - no more wilderness areas, no more biodiversity, no more unspoiled vistas.
This is not a right wing talking point, this is reality.


re: us politics 


Immigration is not harmful, quite the contrary.

@Uair @actuallyautistic


re: us politics 


Immigration isn't increasing the population, it's redistributing it.

@Uair @actuallyautistic

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re: us politics 

@ScottSoCal @Uair @actuallyautistic I think that was the context of OP : moving people around, not adding a billion to the total earth population.

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