

My animals are my support system - they provide 100% unconditional love. I've had the same two dogs for 16 years.
In April Little Miss' kidney disease got to the point I had to make the compassionate choice for her. And today I did the same for Little Man. My heart is breaking, and I don't know how to handle it.

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My heartfelt sympathy. my dog woody died a year ago, after a short serious illness and he only turned ten. the feeling of an amputated heart remains, but after a short time I filled the gaping hole with a lovely new dog from the shelter. Her name is Aqua; a different dog person and a different character. but also new responsibility for an innocent life, a new friendship and a new love.
even looking back, I see no other alternative for me to endure this.



On the way home from the vet's office, hubs said he wasn't ready right now, but he new he would want to look at another dog in the future.
I will, too.


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