@actuallyautistic #actuallyautistic In the process of completing my online faculty training course to be a GSA next year...literally EVERYTHING is so vague and confusing.

Emailed the faculty coordinator about it and he told me that I was so ahead in the course that I was outpacing the course administrators. So basically, I'm working ahead so quickly that IT and my course instructor haven't had a chance to update my course info, so that's why everything is confusing.

*massive eyeroll*

@actuallyautistic Additionally, I texted one of my friends who is already a GSA about how she navigated the training, and she told me that she asked her instructor questions about things that confused her. I responded back asking how to find who my instructor is...and I eventually found out by accident because he was cc'd in the reply I got from the faculty coordinator.

Do people just automatically "know" how to do these things in the work world? Or is everyone else just as confused as me??



I did a technical training at my work for about 20 years, and I'm currently mentoring a new-hire in my department.
At the beginning of my training sessions I told people to interrupt me and ask - questions are welcome, even encouraged. The mentee I'm telling to go into the labs, watch what they're doing, and ask questions. I told him to ask me questions. That's how you learn. That's how I learned.


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