@actuallyautistic #actuallyautistic Just found out that NT people have REAL habits that happen basically on autopilot. This is news to me.

What most NT people think of as a "habit" I think of as a "task," even if it is a part of my routine. For example, brushing and flossing my teeth is a part of my daily routine, but I have to make myself think about each action separately. I wouldn't call them habits because I literally remind myself to do them every night. It isn't automatic.



Anything that I know I'll have to do over and over again, I work up a system - a series of steps that can't vary, or it'll throw me off completely.
I've been a mess for the last week, both in mourning, and because my dog's death has thrown my "home from work" system into chaos. Coffee doesn't get set up, parrot sometimes has to demand food NOW! because I had to skip getting dog food ready and everything else suffered.


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