
US Politics 


I've been sitting here processing all day. Working through this last 24 hours.
The majority in my country voted for an unhinged megalomaniac who has sworn to lock up his opponents and silence his critics. They voted for children to be stripped away from their parents for the crime of seeking safety. They voted for economic chaos. They voted for Palestinians and Ukrainians to be slaughtered. They voted for the Constitution to be overturned.

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re: US Politics 


They voted for their own wives and daughters to bleed out and die, or be rendered permanently sterile if their pregnancy doesn't go to plan, and the worst happens. They voted for this country to secede from the rest of the globe and pretend it doesn't exist. They voted for Russia to go unchecked and leave the countries of Europe to deal with it as best they can.

re: US Politics 


And my team couldn't be bothered to stop them - knowing that all this was on the table. Harris wasn't exciting enough, or pure enough, or lacked some ineffable quality that makes it worth their time to get off their collective asses and vote.

I'm ashamed. Of my country, and a sizeable chunk of the people in it. And I'm very angry.

re: US Politics 

@ScottSoCal My main feeling is anger. Yet I am forging ahead like nothing happened. Almost. If I don’t try to keep swimming I’ll sink. Maybe I’ll be hot differently and in a worse way later. But I literally told my husband to cheer up. I am so insensitive atm. Maybe it’s because I am having to block my feelings. Or maybe I processed this before it happened because it’s what I feared. I don’t know what to think. And I’m so sorry you’re feeling so bad. I totally agree with you. We are probably after Russia one of the most corrupt nations on earth. I think I already realized that a while back. I fear for people who are younger than me. How could people do this to them. How could parents not vote. I am very angry.

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