
Some toots I've seen today, plus the approach of Valentine's Day has me wondering: what the hell is the deal with men hating their woman partners? And with other men joking about their buddies being whipped, emasculated, etc, because they actually respect their partners?

I've probably been guilty of this in the past, but luckily have a mostly non-shitty social circle so this stuff isn't that common. Is it just straight misogyny or is there something else at work, in addition that?

misogyny, armchair social psych 

@ink_slinger It's definitely at least partly misogyny.

I think a lot of folks get stressed out by their relationships due to the societal pressures placed upon them. People get dogged to hurry it up, get married, pump out grandkids, etc. I often wonder how many people in relationships haven't really taken the time to decide whether they really like the person they're pairing with.

I think that's often sort of everyone's fault.

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