A real thing someone wrote today: "I don't eat nutrient devoid foods and poison rich foods like vegetables."

lol wut

Bad man 

@Shadejackrabbit LOL

No, but I suppose they probably are on the "carnivore diet."

It was a comment on a news article about a proliferation of pharmacies in my neighbourhood, that are possibly exploiting poor and street-involved people. This person thinks changes to the Canada Food Guide suggesting people eat less meat is the cause, because the pharmacists expect more people to be getting sick as a result. πŸ˜†

Bad man 

@Shadejackrabbit Yeah, they're weird. They think it's a magical cure-all diet and some even claim it's what we're optimally evolved to eat, even though there are almost no totally carnivorous cultures and the ones that exist are mostly edge cases living in extreme environments (e.g., Inuit people, who I'm pretty sure still have some plants in their traditional diet).

Bad man 

@ink_slinger it's super weird to me because as somebody without a ton of income i don't eat as much meat as i did growing up and I'm actually on average healthier now

Bad man 

@Shadejackrabbit You're also not a reactionary shithead, so that's two things in your favour that would make you realize the carnivore diet is absurd.

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