Bad man
@ink_slinger were they JBP
Bad man
@Shadejackrabbit LOL
No, but I suppose they probably are on the "carnivore diet."
It was a comment on a news article about a proliferation of pharmacies in my neighbourhood, that are possibly exploiting poor and street-involved people. This person thinks changes to the Canada Food Guide suggesting people eat less meat is the cause, because the pharmacists expect more people to be getting sick as a result. π
Bad man
@ink_slinger i can't even deal with carnivores lol
Bad man
@ink_slinger it's super weird to me because as somebody without a ton of income i don't eat as much meat as i did growing up and I'm actually on average healthier now
Bad man
@Shadejackrabbit You're also not a reactionary shithead, so that's two things in your favour that would make you realize the carnivore diet is absurd.