Okay so you need cooked but un-sauced noods for this. You'll want them to be refrigerated entirely so that they don't really cook more.
Get your frying pan and grease it up with with whatever. You want to use a not-small frying pan, you can use butter if you're fancy but i just use oil because i'm cheap.
Once its ready to go you want to crack an egg in there. Then you're gonna take two decent handfulls of noodles and plop them onto the egg.
Now that you've got all this in the pan you want to take a rubber spatula and just jangle it together. Basically you want to break up the eggs all over the noodles and even out that sauce.
When it looks like it's pretty even and getting a little dry / burned take that spatula and push all those noods onto your eating dish. Scrape out the pan so you get flakes of burnt egg all over it. This is what fakes the carbonara the most.
And that's it, amazing breakfast noods.