I wonder which silly anime character best resembles me.

(This is difficult to determine as my personality isn't clear-cut, and the last time I took of a selfie was like months ago.)

Personality-wise, mine is two Ameranime characters. Roommates in the same cartoon, actually, Steven Universe.
Manic me: Peridot (Hey, @noelle !)
Depressed me: Lapis Lazuli

Appearance-wise, I don't know nowadays. When I was a teenager, DEFINITELY Shinji Ikari from Evangelion. ("Hello, my name is Shinji Ikari" sticker not included.)
(Current appearance: computerfairi.es/@Terxbor/9951 )


Does anyone have an a idea of what anime or other cartoon character I may look like. (Please not Coop, please not Coop...) (It's fine if you say Coop if you mean it, I just hope that that's not who I look like.)

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