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New on the Secret Area: "Halo with chips" has been found.

A dumb back of the box quote from Maxim magazine promoting a poker video game had become a small meme. I wanted to find out where it came from.

Likes, shares and comments are really appreciated.

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fursona reveal!! 

Hey, remember when I was talking about wanting a cat fursona?

Well, thanks to a picrew, and a friend who was willing to help, it's now a reality.

Say hi to Tonya! She's soft, cuddly, and friendly!

(art by Megahand6 on birdsite)

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ps visit my website it has cool dumb video game things

I made a new post yesterday to cover devolver digital's silly advergame

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bev! boosted

more indie games should come out with "join the forums" rather than "join the discord"

bev! boosted

The new version of the salesforce mascots looks like they were all kidnapped by Dr Robotnik

bev! boosted

To quote David Letterman, I don't have a joke here: I just really like saying "Donald 'Duck' Dunn."

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Some of the things I watched today:

- A goofball kids game show with a host who has the most Larry Fine/Carrot Top hair I've ever seen
- A game show based off Mad Libs
- A "modern" take on Name that Tune
- That Donny Osmond Pyramid revival that wasn't great

Can you tell I'm a trash connoisseur? 😛

New Secret Area post: It's Shadowgrounds: Survivor.

Back in 2016, I wrote about Shadowgrounds, a fun little top-down horror/action shooter. Now in 2025, I finally play its sequel.

Likes, shares, and comments appreciated, as always.

Played a bit through Alien Breed: Impact and my god this feels generic and not very fun

Also it crashed on me like twice and had to use task manager to close it

The hunt for a good top-down shooter continues....

one day we must find "hot dance 98" just to hear the other covers on that besides Block Rockin Beats

New Patreon post: It's Shadowgrounds: Survivor.

The original Shadowgrounds was a fun little top-down shooter. For the followup, Frozenbyte decided to get a little Phun with PhysX.

Available now for all patrons:

I'd like to solve the puzzle

mehdi hasan piker

bev! boosted

In 2016 my aunt passed away from cancer. In 2020 I restored the #typewriter she left for me as a heirloom which I'd never seen fully functioning growing up. Shortly afterwards my mother's home was broken into and the typewriter stolen. Please help me find a replacement!

bev! boosted

look, I may not know my shakespeare or US history, but I could definitely yap in your ear about game show themes that are inspired by other songs because they used the song in a pilot

bev! boosted

everybody keeps asking where's the beef but nobody's asking how's the beef

wait, people *care* about me??

my dumb ass???

I can't believe it!

I wanna look more into the modding/custom scene of FPS games from the 90s, it seems woefully undocumented

At least, in regards to some games. The big games like Doom, Quake and Half-Life are about 95% covered outside of a few rare instances.

Other games, not so much.

are people still cool with websites that have gradient backgrounds

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!