bev! boosted

it's called ssh-keygen but doesn't even play cool tracker music?

bev! boosted

we need something like flashpoint but for older computers too. i want to be able to browse and play flash games on a pentium iii like i would have back in the day

New Secret Area post: It's Mad Max (2015).

A free roaming game based on the hit film franchise from the Just Cause people. It's... surprisingly alright.

Likes, shares, and comments appreciated, as always.

I need to eventually get a group of nerds willing to watch the most trashiest game shows and reality TV out there with me

Would make getting through The Real Gilligan's Island more tolerable, at least

bev! boosted

i've been going down a rabbit hole i haven't been able to chase the tail end of yet: is there any thermal typewriter with a built-in computer interface other than the Brother EP-44?

i am not counting the Canon Typestar 7/90 models because they need additional interfaces that can no longer be found

i'd really like a small portable text printer in that vein

love to get hyperfocused on finding out the source of a production music track used on a short lived late 1970s Bob Stewart game show

and then find out a song from the same library has the backing music used for old "Will it Blend" videos

dang I'm making my music playlist so chaotic

bev! boosted

New on the Secret Area: "Halo with chips" has been found.

A dumb back of the box quote from Maxim magazine promoting a poker video game had become a small meme. I wanted to find out where it came from.

Likes, shares and comments are really appreciated.

New Secret Area Patreon post: It's Mad Max (2015).

A game by the Just Cause devs, based on the famous post-apocalyptic film franchise. A fitting thing to play in 2025.

Available now for all patrons (just $1 will get access!):

bev! boosted

mental health (-) 

Going from numb and emotionless to a waterfall of tears is something I'm still struggling to get used to

it really feels like someone unclogged my emotional pipes and now I'm having to get familiar with feeling emotions for the first time in a long while

bev! boosted

I think every designer should write a love letter to a font at least once in their lifetime.

This is mine: A 150-year-old font you have likely never heard of, and one you probably saw earlier today.

bev! boosted
bev! boosted

there’s a thread over on bsky rn about how people don’t read anymore and i unironically believe we can fix this as a society through a combination of “expanding the free pizza hut thing they used to do in elementary school” and “more sexy librarians”

bev! boosted

I keep having the urge to make a game show video game but with little programming skill makes this a fairly challenging endeavor for me to even attempt

oh right. it's super bowl day, isn't it

maybe I should play an old football video game to celebrate, idk

Beast Games and the Squid Game reality show competition made me think about how another TV show was suddenly made into a reality competition about 20 years ago:

"Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale..."

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!