
Even though I'm a queer trans woman, there's that feeling that I can't relate with some of the more common trans memes out there.

I support them, but my struggle is finding things in queer culture that fit me more.

this might be an age thing or something, as a lot of the trans memes probably work for trans folk who transitioned in their teens/twenties, but for people like me who are a bit older it doesn't quite work


@TonicBH I have the same thing being agender. Like, some trans people consider agender also trans, some do not.

The agender flag occasionally gets included on the big wall of representation flags but not nearly as often (I've seen like 3 agender things at Pride across a decade).

I've also heard people argue that we're covered by the Non-Binary stuff even though a lot of agender people themselves disagree.

So I guess what I'm saying is... you're not alone in your feeling alone?

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