Out of all the official level packs that come with the Doom 2024 remaster, Master Levels has to be the worst.

Even TNT: Evilution had more moments than Master Levels did.

@BatElite @TonicBH There's a grand total of two levels in the Master Levels that stand out (Black Tower and The Express Elevator To Hell), and they stand out because of how *divisive* they are more than anything; they're either the best levels by a mile, or the worst levels by a mile depending on who you ask

Everything else is middling at best


@KS @BatElite I mean, at least Black Tower feels unique and interesting compared to the onslaught of Chris Klie levels I had to play prior

@TonicBH @BatElite Oh, yeah, both of the levels I mentioned have interesting concepts, if a bit rough around the edges sometimes

I've just definitely seen the competing take too, from those that it didn't click with, that they're the worst of a bad lot

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