possibly controversial video game stream opinion? 

I think I'm getting sick of Zelda randomizer.

The Link to the Past randomizer, anyway. There really isn't nothing new or interesting about it anymore and even the SpeedGaming tournament has lost my interest.

I just wanna see something fresh and new at this point.

possibly controversial video game stream opinion? 

@TonicBH nah same. they've basically tried to push it way too much -- it's EVERYWHERE.


possibly controversial video game stream opinion? 

@Xkeeper I honestly hope that after this one that they give it a rest for a good while.

Hell, they should do Zelda 1 or 2 randomizer instead, that's not nearly as played out.

possibly controversial video game stream opinion? 

@TonicBH They actually "did"; this is getting into hearsay territory but the Z2Randomizer community got approached to have their shit put on SpeedGaming's network

they have basically never been broadcast on any of the main channels, always being relegated to SG3-6, because Z3R was king.

possibly controversial video game stream opinion? 

@Xkeeper @TonicBH It's funny, because the room-by-room design of Z1 means you can have a LOT more random in the game than you get with LTTP, which is almost always just "which chest is the ocarina/silver arrows/etc. in THIS time?"

possibly controversial video game stream opinion? 

@even_more_damned_muteKi @TonicBH I don't entirely like Z1R because a lot of it relies on too much obscure knowledge like what room is magically going to crap out an item if you kill everything (yes, I know there's ways to tell, if you're a memory-deficient dork like me it's not fun)

but it's a lot better than Chest Roulette

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