gender (~) 

There's so many things about this journey/exploration that are just... scary to me.

Exploring who I am is scary. Figuring out where I land on the identity spectrum is a process that stresses me out. Transition is a big deal and it makes me worry.

I praise those who eventually figured out who they are, and made those steps to becoming who they really want to be.

Maybe that'll be me some day, but it's tough to get through when I'm scared like this.

gender (~) 

@TonicBH so much this!

transitioning is such a huge question mark, everything feels like a giant unknown.

I feel lucky that I have one person IRL that I can talk to about it and can help me out when I'm feeling lost, or give me little pushes in a direction they know I'd like to go.

I feel an immense pride and astonished at people I see who know who they are, and are able to live life as their true self.

<3 good luck!

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