Pinned post

an introduction (): i am trying to get on mastodon and off other stuff. i like feeling (happy) things. my pronouns are he/she.
also i have no idea how any of this works, that too.

ok but being queer is so cool
like i love myself

Short survey for #nonbinary people about NAMES

I will publish the results. Also please tell your nonbinary friends about it, let's get several hundred thousand participants so we can once and for all find out the quintessential Nonbinary Name™️

Thank you!

"I was born in 1994"

- boring
- heard it before
- tells you nothing

"I was born in the year of Cotton Eye Joe"

- arouses curiosity
- who was Cotton Eye Joe
- where did he come from?
- where did he go?
- Cotton Eye Joe

sometimes i wonder if hardcore audiophiles even know why they listen to music

an introduction (): i am trying to get on mastodon and off other stuff. i like feeling (happy) things. my pronouns are he/she.
also i have no idea how any of this works, that too.

Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!