Towson is my local Apple Store and I’ve had good experiences there. But the expansion of tipping is insane and this is a terrible idea. Absurd.


@jsonbecker hard disagree with you and Gruber on this one. There are plenty of things that Apple Store workers do that is pure customer service, with no commission or purchase. If a worker spends 90 minutes showing a panicked grandmother how to log into the iCloud account she didn’t know she had in order to retrieve photos she thought she’d lost forever, and she wants to thank them with a tip, what’s the problem?

@aquinton I think it's helpful for me to make clear that I think tipping is a terrible practice and that our creep toward tipping in every interaction versus eliminating tipping is 1000% the wrong direction. Tipping at every service interaction is expanding a failure mode.

@aquinton it's not that I think Apple Store employees aren't service workers who can do a great job, it's that I think that the idea that we should have a culture of tipping versus fair wages horrifying.

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