scam spam (a bit long)
I say that with confidence because the password is one I haven't used in over a decade. Must be closer to 15 years now. In fact I changed it to a much stronger one at about the one and only time I got successfully phished (thanks, Yahoo).
Anyway, the point is the password was already out there, not stolen by hackers getting into my computer like the scammer wants me to believe.
scam spam (a bit long)
Since I got another one, I have to assume enough people are getting scared by the scam to make it worth the scammer's time.
Passwords are hard to manage, yes. They suck, yes. But try anyway to use a different password with every service, & try to make them actually random, not lolrandom.
And if you get a spam revealing a *current* password, don't pay the scammer a cent but *do* change it asap.