scam spam (a bit long)
I got another scam spam today where the scammer revealed one of my passwords in the subject, threatening to disclose it if I don't send bitcoin.
The scammer wants me to believe they hacked my PC to steal it, but it's much more likely they bought a list of compromised passwords.
scam spam (a bit long)
Since I got another one, I have to assume enough people are getting scared by the scam to make it worth the scammer's time.
Passwords are hard to manage, yes. They suck, yes. But try anyway to use a different password with every service, & try to make them actually random, not lolrandom.
And if you get a spam revealing a *current* password, don't pay the scammer a cent but *do* change it asap.
scam spam (a bit long)
(I mean actually showing you what the password was, not a generic villainous "I have your password, nyahahahaaaa!" claim.)